Accelerate, one of our corporate training program was conducted in Hyderabad for the team of Arcesium. This corporate training program was all about achieving Peak Performance in all areas of Life. Participants went through an experience filled with insights, humor and breakthrough activities.
The workshop started with triggering ‘Willingness’ to bring about a change and then move towards transformation. Once the willingness is triggered, then the aspect of skill and behavior when combined can create the best result. The workshop also drove home various aspects and importance of changing perceptions and belief system to bring about a shift in one’s lives. We are results of our beliefs and perceptions when we change that it becomes easy to change our actions!
Participants also learned powerful methods to change belief system organically like changing the verbal programming – the way we speak about everything in Life. What we say reflect subtly our belief systems and by being aware of it and changing the way we speak about everything in life starts moving the perceptions and beliefs. Scientific methods backed up with insights made the workshop a powerful experience.
The Rod bending and The Fire Walk in Hyderabad done for the team were the highlight activities. Fire Walk and Rod Bending was used as a metaphor of achieving Goals that look ‘perceptually impossible’.
The rod bending for some can trigger a very high level of fear, what they learn is to face it! It is not about avoiding the ‘fear’ but to face it no matter how difficult it looks. Since the rod bending is a collaborative activity, it beautifully brings in learning in the areas of ‘trust’ which is very important for teamwork. Trusting in the partner and ‘being trustworthy’ was not only learned but experienced through the rod bending!!! Trust at different levels are driven – trust in the partner, trust in self, trust in the one who is driving it and trust that ‘I will succeed’.
The activity also drove the importance of ‘Focus’ as at any given point of time we can look at the positive and the negative side, especially in the case of certain life situations and the rod bending activity. The mind can naturally focus on the negative but the ability to identify this and then focus on ‘possibilities’ to take action is a Life transforming message and experience. Activities like these can always be used as a memory to challenge the future challenges and use the learning to overcome the barriers.
Success in Life is never about the absence of problems but about changing the way we handle it, in fact, the workshop also helped participants look at challenges from a different perspective. The awareness that problems are an opportunity to grow stronger and keep growing with each problem was also a key learning.
Sustaining the learning and the impact can be a big challenge for many and hence sustaining motivation, challenging the mindset and willingness to change and then transform was the key learning! With a deep understanding of how the mind works, participants were given the plan to sustain the impact and keep raising the performance for self. The workshop was all about viewing things from a different empowered platform and then to challenge our own limitations to experience the beauty of Life.
Participants energy, facilitators energy, the collaborative efforts, Fire Walk and Rod bending makes this corporate training program a memorable experience.